Colby was born on Thursday, March 13, 2008 at 11:50am weighing right at 8lbs. and measuring 20 1/2 inches long. Beautiful baby boy!
I had the privilege of being in the room when he was delivered. Loved it! Kristy did so well with it all, and it was so exciting to hear him cry for the first time, just to be there in that moment!
Connor was so excited when he saw Colby for the first time, he was all smiles. He didn't say much he just looked at his baby brother in amazement.
Congratulations guys! Thanks for having me be a part of your special day!
AWWW..I'm so glad to know that he is here. The pictures are great. What a great job you have. :)
LOVE that head of hair!
He is so sweet! They make beautiful babies! Kristy looks GREAT!
I love the pictures Michelle you did a great job. He is so cute.
I'm so glad you were able to deliver these pictures to us!! Great job :)
AWWWWWW! He's beautiful! Congrats to Kristy and family. How neat you got to be in on it Michelle! Such a priviledge and honor. :)
He is gorgeous! Great job kristy and michelle even though I think Kristy had the harder job. Your turn soon.
I'm so glad you were there to catch this special moment. I love the pictures!! It was so much easier the 2nd time around. I can't wait for Anderson to get here now!!!
Sweet Colby! These pictures captured those priceless moments so perfectly! Congratulations Kristy!!
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